The Kiss Velvet Matte Lip Pencil Set HK$550 

雖然NARS的 Velvet Matte Lip Pencil 是我其中愛用的一款唇膏筆,但是這次的系列的效果會帶點metallic, 與平時的絲絨霧面效果不太一樣,所以視乎妳個人喜好。不過今次套裝會附送金色的化妝袋我覺得挺漂亮的,而且顏色也是比較特別。*Wild Ways 及  Spell Bound是限量的顏色。 

Love Triangle Set HK$220

這個set是不錯的stocking filler, 內有一款mini cheek color 及一枝mini Audacious 唇膏。 
我收到的是Hot Sand, 另外我看到他們有Orgasm 及Deep Throat等等經典受歡迎的顏色可供選擇。
Hot Sand是挺低調的一款高光粉,粉質細膩及不會太bling bling的效果,很適合我!
而Audacious lipstick 好久之前都分享過 (按這裡觀看上色圖及review) - 非常實色,順滑 而且蠻持久的唇膏,而Rita這個顏色是冷色系的紅色 比較顯牙齒白!

Overexposed Glow Highlighter - Double Take HK$340

這個collection最觸目的產品應該是Double Take這盒高光粉吧。首先包裝非常吸引,印上嘴唇的embossing (其實我是非常捨不得沾粉影上色圖)。顏色會偏帶點金色,容易推開 閃粉粒子也不算太粗。加上這盒highlight有6.5g, HK$340這個價錢算不錯!

Montparnasse 雙色眼影盒 HK$330

今次的Man Ray系列有推出兩款眼影盒,我收到的是Montparnasse, 內有一款帶金色的珠光眼影及紫啡色的眼影,非常簡單,實用及容易配搭的眼影顏色!而NARS眼影的粉質我也一直很喜歡,容易推開順滑而且顯色度非常好!(不過大家要留意 金色的眼影 推開後顏色會淡了,如要更實色便要再build up)

NARS 漆亮唇釉 Zambeze & Muse HK$240

非常顯色及smooth的唇釉, 滋潤度還好 但最重要是Zambeze是非常顯色!本以為它會太nude色,但塗上最後發現它是很美的啡nude,不會令人看起來生病的樣子。不會超級glossy,但因為比較滋潤所以感覺上會有點厚的。
而Muse我沒有試在嘴上,但相信可以用來當top coat 添加金色閃粉在原本的唇色上。

最後 也是這個collection 我最期待的 Palettes們

NARS The Veil Cheek Palette HK$440

首先 HK$440 有曬bronzer, 胭脂及highlight是挺划算的。
顏色包括 Laguna Sun Wash Diffusing Bronzer, Lovesick (限量) 胭脂 及 Surreal (限量) 胭脂。 雖然說這款的Laguna是帶有點金色閃粉 但其實它造得很細膩,我要很仔細看才看得出來。Laguna是偏暖啡的bronzer,所以冷色系皮膚的朋友要注意喔。
而Lovesick這個顏色都是很典型的桃紅色 會比較sharp 不算超級自然的。
而Surreal這款highlight是帶peachy金色的, 如果像我比較泛紅的皮膚 其實會比較少用因為它會突顯我的泛紅,但其實顏色是漂亮的。這個palette裡面也是用六角形的壓紋 而Laguna那一格也有一個嘴唇 都很可愛 但應該用用下就會消失!

NARS Glass Tears 眼影盒 HK$440

首先所有顏色都是限量的,而且它其實比想像中實用!只是黑色我個人比較少用,但Heartbreaker及 One and Only 顏色真的非常突出,試色的時候真的有點心心眼。妳會看到顏色一樣很實色及順滑 用掃上會有一點點飛粉但不是很嚴重 完全可以接受的。

NARS Love Game 眼影盒 HK$500

另外一盒眼影盤就是Love Game, 裡面有12款眼影 顏色的配搭也非常漂亮。有實用的啡色,也有突出的紫色及 sea green 顏色,雖然我很喜歡 Glass Tears的藍綠色 但比較下, Love Game會比較划算 只是多HK$60就可以有double數量的眼影。

這個眼妝是使用了 Love Game裡面的: Lady Killer, Dominant, Hard To Get及 Play Me

希望大家喜歡這次的分享!這個collection整體我都覺得很美 而且NARS的品質一向很好 

Products gifted by NARS. This post is NOT a sponsored post. 


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  37. The Talaria X3 is an advanced electric dirt bike designed for both off-road enthusiasts and commuters seeking a blend of performance and efficiency. With a lightweight frame, powerful electric motor, and long-lasting battery, the X3 delivers a smooth ride on challenging terrains. Its sleek design, durable construction, and eco-friendly operation make it a standout option for those looking for a reliable and versatile electric bike. Perfect for adrenaline seekers or those looking to explore rugged trails, the Talaria X3 combines power and precision in one exciting package.

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  40. Maintaining a beautiful, healthy garden requires time, effort, and a solid understanding of key gardening practices. Whether you are tending to a small backyard garden, an elaborate landscape, or a community green space, proper Garden Maintenance is essential for the overall health of your plants and the aesthetic appeal of your outdoor environment.

  41. Introducing the Talaria X3 – the electric scooter that combines power and precision for an unparalleled riding experience. Designed for both urban commutes and thrilling adventures, the X3 features a powerful motor for swift acceleration and impressive top speeds. Its sleek, durable design ensures reliability, while the high-capacity battery provides extended range. With advanced safety features like responsive suspension and bright LED lights, the Talaria X3 delivers a smooth, secure ride every time. Elevate your journey with the Talaria X3 and experience the perfect blend of performance and innovation.

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  43. Discover the Talaria Sting Mix3 – the ultimate electric scooter designed for performance and versatility. With its powerful motor, the Mix3 delivers exhilarating acceleration and impressive top speeds, perfect for navigating both city streets and adventurous trails. Its sleek, robust design ensures durability, while the high-capacity battery provides long-lasting rides. Equipped with advanced safety features like responsive suspension and bright LED lights, the Talaria Sting Mix3 offers a smooth and secure ride. Elevate your commuting and recreational experience with the Talaria Sting Mix3 today.

  44. Introducing the Talaria XXX – the electric scooter that redefines performance and style. With a powerful motor delivering rapid acceleration and impressive top speeds, the XXX is perfect for both thrilling rides and daily commutes. Its sleek, aerodynamic design is built for durability and comfort, while the high-capacity battery ensures extended range. Enhanced with advanced safety features, including a top-notch suspension system and bright LED lights, the Talaria XXX offers an unmatched riding experience. Elevate your journey with the Talaria XXX – where power meets sophistication.

  45. A Smart Light Switch is a connected device that replaces your standard light switch and provides remote control over your lights through Wi-Fi, Zigbee, or Z-Wave. Once installed, smart switches allow you to control your lighting from anywhere via a smartphone app, smart home hub, or voice assistants like Alexa, Google Assistant, or Apple Siri.

  46. Garden landscaping is the art of designing and creating beautiful, functional outdoor spaces. It involves arranging plants, trees, flowers, and hardscapes such as patios, walkways, and water features to enhance the aesthetic appeal and usability of a garden.

  47. Rash guards have become an essential piece of gear for water sports enthusiasts, athletes, and even casual beachgoers. Originally designed to protect surfers from the friction and irritation caused by their boards, Rash Guards have evolved into versatile garments that offer a wide range of benefits. Whether you're surfing, swimming, or simply spending time in the sun, a rash guard can enhance your performance, provide protection, and add a stylish touch to your outfit. Here's everything you need to know about rash guards.

  48. New York City, with its bustling streets and fast-paced lifestyle, can be a challenging place to navigate. Whether you’re a resident or a visitor, finding a reliable and comfortable mode of transportation is crucial. A New York chauffeur service offers a premium solution, providing luxury, convenience, and professionalism for those who want to travel in style and comfort. Here’s what you can expect from a top-tier chauffeur service in New York.

  49. Discord is a popular platform for communication among gamers, communities, and professionals. However, there may be instances when a Disabled Discord Account Look Like This guide provides a detailed overview of what a disabled Discord account looks like, the reasons for account disablement, and the steps to address it.

  50. The VOOPOO PNP Pod Tank Black is a popular accessory designed for vape enthusiasts seeking versatility and high performance. This guide provides a detailed overview of the VOOPOO PNP Pod Tank Black, including its features, benefits, and how it compares to other options on the market VOOPOO PNP POD TANK BLACK

  51. The Ajman Used Furniture Market is a vibrant and diverse marketplace offering a wide range of pre-owned furniture. Whether you're looking to furnish your home on a budget or searching for unique pieces with character, the used furniture market in Ajman provides numerous options. Ajman Used Furniture Market aspects of the Ajman used furniture market, including where to find used furniture, the benefits of buying pre-owned items, and tips for making the most of your shopping experience.

  52. Brow threading is an ancient hair removal technique that has become increasingly popular in the modern beauty world. Originating in South Asia and the Middle East, this method involves using a twisted cotton thread to remove unwanted hair with precision, creating perfectly shaped eyebrows. It’s known for its accuracy, minimal discomfort, and long-lasting results, making it a preferred choice for Brow Threading many people looking to enhance their natural beauty.

  53. International advertisements play a crucial role in promoting products and services across diverse markets. They involve tailoring marketing messages to resonate with audiences from different cultural, economic, International Advertisements This guide explores the key aspects of international advertising, including strategies, challenges, and best practices for successful global campaigns.

  54. Cheerleading is a sport that embodies energy, spirit, and teamwork. Whether you’re outfitting a high school squad, a college team, or a professional cheer group, finding the right uniforms is essential. Wholesale Cheer Uniforms provide an economical solution for teams and retailers looking to purchase high-quality, coordinated apparel in bulk. This guide will help you understand the benefits of buying wholesale, what to look for in cheer uniforms, and how to find the right supplier.

  55. Situated in the heart of Orlando, the address is nestled within the 32829 ZIP code, a region 6855 remington view ct orlando fl 32829 known for its family-friendly neighborhoods, access to top-rated schools, and proximity to major city attractions. Being just a short drive from the bustling downtown area and Orlando International Airport, the property offers the perfect balance between a peaceful residential area and easy access to the energetic lifestyle of a major metropolitan area.

  56. A customer care chatbot is an AI-driven tool designed to assist customers by providing instant responses to their queries, guiding them through processes, and improving their overall experience with a Customer Care Chatbot business. An effective chatbot can handle a range of customer service tasks, from answering frequently asked questions to resolving issues and providing recommendations.

  57. Cheerleading uniforms play a crucial role in enhancing team spirit and identity. For those who prioritize modesty in their attire, modest cheer uniforms Modest Cheer Uniforms respectful alternative. This guide provides an in-depth look at modest cheer uniforms, including their design elements, benefits, and how to choose the right one for your team.

  58. CeraVe is a widely recognized skincare brand known for its dermatologist-developed products that cater to various skin concerns. In Palestine,Cerave Palestine popularity for its effective formulations and commitment to providing high-quality skincare. This guide provides an in-depth look at CeraVe’s presence in Palestine, including product offerings, benefits, and how to access the brand locally.

  59. Definition: Front-end development refers to the part of Web Development that deals with the visual and interactive aspects of a website. It involves creating the layout, design, and user interface (UI).

  60. A single service offering is a focused business model where a company provides one primary product or service. This approach can be highly effective in establishing expertise, simplifying operations, and targeting a specific market segment. Here’s a detailed guide on how to successfully manage and promote a Single Service offering:

  61. Smoky Mountain Wrestling (SMW) is an important chapter in the history of professional wrestling, known for its hard-hitting action and traditional southern wrestling style. Founded in the early 1990s, SMW quickly became a beloved regional promotion, providing a platform for many wrestling SMW Smoky Mountain . Though it operated for only a few years, the impact of SMW resonates to this day, with fans and wrestlers alike remembering the promotion’s commitment to old-school wrestling and storytelling.

  62. Harley-Davidson is a name synonymous with freedom, adventure, and the open road. Along with their iconic motorcycles, Harley-Davidson has built a legacy of rugged style, including their Harley jackets. These jackets aren't just about fashion; they are functional, offering protection and comfort for riders while embodying the spirit of the brand. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of Harley jackets, exploring their history, features, types, styling tips, and care instructions.

  63. The Lycra Rib Crew Neck is a staple in both casual and athletic wardrobes. Known for its form-fitting design, stretchability, and versatility, this piece of clothing has become a favorite for those seeking comfort without sacrificing style. Whether you’re looking for an everyday essential or a performance-driven top for physical activities, the Lycra Rib Crew Neck offers a perfect blend of functionality and fashion.

  64. Artificial turf has rapidly become a popular alternative to natural grass for residential, commercial, and sports applications. Whether used for lawns, playgrounds, or sports fields, artificial turf offers numerous benefits, including low Artificial Turf , durability, and aesthetic appeal. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about artificial turf, from its history and types to installation, maintenance, and environmental impact.

  65. The Swiss passport is an important document for Swiss citizens that confirms identity and enables international travel. Purchasing a passport is a formal and Swiss passport purchase process that cannot be completed entirely online. This guide provides a detailed overview of the process of applying for a Swiss passport, including the steps required, security considerations and frequently asked questions.

  66. CNC milling is a vital process in modern manufacturing that enables the creation of complex and precise parts. Utilizing computer- CNC Milling Parts , CNC milling offers exceptional accuracy and flexibility, making it a cornerstone in industries ranging from aerospace to automotive. This guide provides an in-depth exploration of CNC milling parts, including the process, applications, benefits, and considerations for selecting the right parts.

  67. The Talaria MX5 is a top-tier electric dirt bike that offers unmatched power, range, and durability for off-road enthusiasts. With its advanced features, cutting-edge technology, and robust construction, the MX5 stands out as one of the most capable electric dirt bikes on the market. Whether you’re tackling rough terrain, racing, or simply enjoying a weekend trail ride, the Talaria MX5 is built to exceed your expectations and elevate your off-road experience to new heights.

  68. The first thing you’ll notice about the Talaria X3 is its striking design. From its aerodynamic frame to its polished finishes, it’s clear that no detail has been overlooked. Built with a combination of lightweight aluminum and carbon fiber, the X3 achieves the perfect balance between durability and agility. Its ergonomic design offers both comfort and style, with a frame that accommodates riders of varying heights and sizes.

  69. CNC machining involves the use of computerized controls to operate machine tools, such as mills, lathes, and grinders. The CNC machine reads a CNC Machining Parts instructions for cutting, shaping, and finishing the material to create a precise part.

  70. In today’s fast-paced digital world, there has been an increasing interest in obtaining personal documents online, including the Deutschen Personalausweis online kaufen card). While the legitimate and legal process of acquiring a German ID involves official government channels, some individuals seek faster or alternative routes. This guide explores all aspects of the topic, including legal concerns, the official procedure, potential online risks, and the consequences of trying to buy a German ID online.

  71. Pshardware com provides a wide range of Sheet Metal Parts at affordable prices We use diverse types of materials, such as aluminum, stainlesssteel, titanium for machining parts

  72. An exhibition site is a designated venue where events, trade shows, or exhibitions take place. These sites are designed to showcase products, services, or ideas to a large audience, often within industries like art, technology, fashion, and business.

  73. Möchten Sie Ihren Führerschein online kaufen Es gibt viele Angebote, doch Vorsicht ist geboten! Der legale Weg bleibt immer der sicherste. Wählen Sie immer den offiziellen Weg über Fahrschulen und die Führerscheinprüfung, um rechtliche Probleme zu vermeiden und sicher auf den Straßen unterwegs zu sein.

  74. Made from materials like metals, plastics, and composites, CNC machining parts offer excellent durability and performance, ensuring reliable functionality in demanding applications. Whether it's prototypes or large-scale production, CNC Machining Parts are essential for manufacturing high-quality products with complex geometries.

  75. Asbestos removal is a critical and specialized service, particularly in older homes and buildings where asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) were commonly used. In cities like Sydney, where many structures were built before the 1980s, asbestos poses a significant health risk if not handled properly. This guide will explore everything you need to know about Asbestos Removal Sydney, including the dangers of asbestos, legal requirements, professional removal processes, and tips for choosing a reliable service provider.

  76. Site demolition is a crucial step in the redevelopment or renovation of properties. In Sydney, site demolition involves the systematic dismantling of buildings Site Demolition Sydney clear the way for new construction. This guide provides an in-depth look at site demolition in Sydney, including the process, regulations, benefits, and key considerations.

  77. Der Schweizer Reisepass ist ein wichtiges Dokument für Schweizer Bürger, das die Identität bestätigt und internationale Reisen ermöglicht. Der Kauf eines Reisepasses ist ein formeller und Schweizer Reisepass kaufen der nicht vollständig online abgewickelt werden kann. Dieser Leitfaden bietet eine detaillierte Übersicht über den Prozess zur Beantragung eines Schweizer Reisepasses, einschließlich der erforderlichen Schritte, Sicherheitsaspekte und häufigsten Fragen.

  78. Quality Assurance: Ensuring that products and systems meet the specified quality standards is vital for maintaining customer satisfaction and brand reputation. Testing equipment helps in detecting defects and inconsistencies during the production process, allowing for corrective actions Testing Equipment reach the market.

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  80. Kaufen Sie einen österreichischen Reisepass kaufen um die Welt zu erkunden Mit diesem Dokument genießen Sie visafreie Einreise in zahlreiche Länder. Vertrauen Sie auf sichere und schnelle Beantragung. Starten Sie Ihr Abenteuer jetzt

  81. Der österreichische Reisepass ist ein wichtiges Dokument für Bürger, die international reisen möchten. Er bietet nicht nur Zugang zu vielen Ländern ohne Visum, sondern stellt auch die Identität und Staatsangehörigkeit des Inhabers sicher. In diesem Artikel werden wir die verschiedenen Aspekte des Erwerbs eines österreichischen Reisepasses beleuchten, einschließlich der Österreichischen Reisepass kaufen Kosten und häufig gestellten Fragen.

  82. The Apple Magic Keyboard with Touch ID is a sleek and stylish wireless keyboard designed specifically for Mac computers, though it can also be used with other Apple devices. Here's a detailed description:

  83. CNC Machining Parts machining is a manufacturing process that uses computerized controls to operate and manipulate machine tools to create precise and complex parts. CNC machining is widely used in various industries, including aerospace, automotive, medical, and consumer products, due to its accuracy, efficiency, and versatility. This guide provides an in-depth look at CNC machining parts, including the process, types of parts, materials used, and applications.

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  85. Dubai, a global city in the United Arab Emirates, has emerged as a top destination for job seekers worldwide. Known for its thriving economy, luxurious lifestyle, and strategic location, Dubai offers countless employment opportunities across various industries. Whether you're a fresh graduate, an experienced professional, or an entrepreneur, understanding the Jobs in Dubai can help you land your dream role.

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