17 December 2015
Although the dryness of winter was slightly delayed this year, it doesn't mean that we should only nourish our bodies when it comes! If you're looking for a good hydrating body cream, I've got you covered. In this post I'm going to talk about my favorite moisturizing body products this year.
雖然這個冬天真的不太冷... 但不代表我們不用為身體肌膚做好保濕及保護措施喔!如果正在煩惱自己適合用什麼潤膚產品,希望這段文章能幫您。
B O D Y L O T I O N S | 潤 膚 乳
Although I personally don't mind indulging a thick, buttery cream during the winter days, I know some people prefer to opt for a lighter consistency during the daytime to avoid that thin layer of film on the surface of the skin. That's why body lotions are so great because they are lighter in consistency and absorb into the skin much faster. If you like body lotions, you will love the Melvita Nectar de Roses Hydrating Body Veil or Le Chateau du Bois Nourishing Body Lotion. Depending on your preference of scent (both roses and lavender are totally up my street so I'm keeping both), their light yet moisturizing formula enables your skin to take in the nourishment whilst smoothening out your skin at the same time. Both are fair to use throughout the entire year regardless of season, but I'd opt for the lavender scent before bed to soothe and prep me for a deep, deep sleep.
雖然我個人對一些濃厚的潤膚霜反感,但質感比較薄的潤膚乳迅速被皮膚吸收 也是大部分姐妹的首選。最近非常喜歡的有Melvita 玫瑰水凝身體潤膚乳 或 Le Chateau de Bois 薰衣草潤膚乳。感覺都是香味之差,兩種味道我都大愛!)。兩款雖然質感薄但塗上身體後迅速吸收,而且感覺皮膚更柔滑。其實不一定是冬天才能用,而我自己比較喜歡睡覺前用薰衣草味 有助舒緩及好睡一點。
B O D Y B U T T E R S | 潤 膚 霜
Whenever someone says 'Body Butter' I imagine myself drowning in a bath of melted butter topped with whipped cream. It's thicker, soufflé consistency feels like I'm wearing an armor throughout my skin's battle against dryness. My favorites are the Soap & Glory Sugar Crush Body Buttercream and the Nip + Fab Pistachio Sundae Dry Skin Fix Body Butter (don't they sound amazing already?). I use them alternatively depending on my mood and time - but always opt for Sugar Crush on a dry winter morning as its scent has that magical power to instantly wake you for the day. The Pistachio Sundae scent is probably not everyone's favorite - you have to really love pistachio to bear applying this scent on your body, but I simply can't say no to its fluffy texture.
每當有人說Body Butter的時候 都會幻想自己跳進一個浴缸,而浴缸裡面充滿溶掉的牛油和香香的奶油!潤膚霜的質感會比較濃,厚一點的。就像乾燥與我之間的鬥爭時能保護我的盔甲。一直很喜歡的就是Soap & Glory的 Sugar Crush潤膚霜和Nip + Fab開心果新地潤膚霜 (聽起來已經很棒對不對?)。兩款我都會輪流用,視乎使用時的時間和心情,但是Sugar Crush是早上必須用的。它的味道非常提神!而開心果味道不是人人都會喜歡,其實真的是開心果味的粉絲才敢塗在身上吧,但是它的軟軟的質感實在難以抗拒呢。
B O D Y O I L S & S H O W E R C R E A M S
精 華 油 及 沐 浴 乳
Other hydrating bodycare alternatives may include body oils like the Melvita L'Or Rose Firming Oil or the Le Chateau du Bois Shower Cream. A bath doesn't get better with a rose-scented essential oil to top it off as if it were the icing to a cake. I love Melvita's spray bottle as I no longer spill oil everywhere on my counter top. The fragrance is absolutely luxurious and is great for those who are thinking about anti-aging - and yes, even our body needs it! Although it is marketed as a slimming oil I don't find it particularly effective in that aspect, I love how smooth it makes my skin feel.
For those "lazy" ones, an in shower body cream is just what you need. One step and that's it, perfect for when you are in a hurry!
除了上面提及過的潤膚產品,大家還可以選擇精華油/植物油 或者是沐浴乳。後者絕對是懶人必備!精華油不單止有抗衰老,簡單橙皮紋的作用,Melvita的有機粉紅胡椒緊緻瘦身油是泡浴後的精華步驟,就像在蛋糕上最後一層的糖衣。雖然它是賣瘦身為主,但我自己沒有見到什麼特別瘦身效果。反而覺得它非常滋潤,味道很高貴,而且每次塗上後皮膚都非常柔軟。
比較懶或者常常很趕時間的姐妹可以考慮Le Chateau du Bois的沐浴乳。是一個二合一的沐浴露及潤膚乳,加上舒緩的薰衣草味非常relax!
What's your must-have bodycare product during the dry Winter season?
Let me know in the comments!

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