As an eyeshadow/blush/lipstick junkie, I rarely take the time to talk about my face products. Probably because my routine and the products I use are quite monotonous - I rarely switch up products apart form foundation, which changes depending on the season and the coverage I want.
So here goes, my current favorite face products for a natural, flawless and awake complexion.
其實我個人對眼影, 胭脂 跟唇膏比較感興趣 所以我談論底妝產品比較少。通常用來用去都是一樣的產品 甚少會換 (除了粉底 會隨著季節換一換)
這些就是我平常最愛用的底妝產品 讓我肌膚看起來更均衡 自然及無暇。
Rimmel Wake Me Up Foundation
I'm on my second bottle of this "magic stuff". This does not disappoint - particularly when I want more of a glowy, dewy finish. This adds a hint of luminosity to my skin without making my face shine like a disco ball. I love its medium coverage that hides the majority of my blemishes and scarring. The only thing I would say is the shade range is quite limited, but I've felt safe with 100 Ivory so far.
這個已經是第二瓶了!這個絕對不讓我失望 特別是當我想為臉部添加光澤感 它絕對做得到!我喜歡它遮瑕度是中等的 不太厚 但能遮掩大部份的瑕疵和印。唯獨是它有的顏色不多 但是我一直用100 Ivory都覺得不錯。
3 Concept Eyes Full Cover Concealer
I'm sure those who have watched my videos for a while, know that I swear by this concealer (I'm on my third one!). It's hydrating and light consistency makes it easy to blend, without caking up my undereye area. Despite the name, I'd say it's more of a medium coverage concealer. Due to its light, silky texture it does blend out into a thin, breathable layer. I love the doe foot applicator, enabling me to use it on-the-go and blending out with (clean) fingers. Works well on both dark circles and blemishes - definitely a HG product for me.
相信大部份看果我的視頻都知道 我有多愛這個3CE Full Cover遮瑕膏 (已經第三瓶了)。它非常的滋潤 而且對我來說很薄 所以很輕易便能推開 也不會讓眼底卡粉的。雖然它名字是 'Full Cover', 但我並不覺得它是很高遮瑕度 - 大概都是中等吧。它很容易推開 而且質感薄透。我超喜歡它的掃頭 讓我能方便地出外時都能用 更喜歡它適用於眼底和臉部瑕疵 - 絕對會再次回購。
Rimmel Wake Me Up Concealer
I have to say, I wasn't taken to this at first. For a while, I was out of my 3CE concealer and had to make do with what I got. I then found myself reaching for this a lot for my undereyes. It has an instant brightening effect, so I wouldn't recommend this for blemishes as it may only highlight them instead! Love the consistency and to an extent, the texture feels much like the 3CE concealer, so I find that this is a great substitute.
雖然我一開始對這個沒有什麼好感。我有一段時間用完3CE Full Cover Concealer沒有時間回購 所以逼著要用這個 後來發現我不斷用它去遮掉黑眼圈。它有亮白功效 所以不建議塗在瑕疵或痘痘上 否則會更明顯的。其實質感蠻像3CE的遮瑕 很滋潤而且遮瑕度中等。
Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer
A very popular product amongst bloggers, the Collection concealer is one of the concealers I reach for during the summer time. It is a bit drying, which doesn't work to my skin's advantage during the Winter as it cakes up and leaves it in an unflattering mess. I do like this, however, for blemishes if I'm needing a bit more coverage than what the 3CE Full Cover Concealer can provide.
Collection這個遮瑕在blogger界非常受歡迎。我平時夏天才用它 因為它會讓我眼底肌膚很乾 很容易卡粉的。我比較喜歡用它去遮掉瑕疵 尤其是當3CE Full Cover不足夠去遮掉一些比較紅腫的痘痘 這個能提供多點遮瑕度。
IPSA Creative Concealer
With SPF 25 PA+++, I can feel safe when using this. A concealer with SPF can help prevent premature aging and wrinkles, particularly around the eye area. I love how there are three shades to choose from, where you can easily mix colors to get the perfect shade. I mostly reach for this when my undereye circles are at its very worst. It took me a while getting used to, and figuring out what shade goes where, but once you have experimented with the shades, it does wonders to hiding those dark circles.
這個裡面有防曬功效 所以我用了它會更有安全感。有防曬功效的遮瑕膏能抗衰老 防止眼部皺紋加深。我喜歡它裡面有三個顏色可選擇 也可以混色 達到最接近膚色的顏色。通常都是睡眠不足導致黑眼圈超級超級深的時候才會用的。雖然需要一點時間去試驗 看看怎麼才混得到最適合自己得顏色 但是我覺得它遮掉黑眼圈真的很好。有時候會覺得偏乾 所以我通常會跟眼霜一起用 讓它更滋潤。
Soap & Glory One Heck of a Blot
The powder I reach for pretty much every single day - I love how this powder is so finely milled, translucent and not cakey or heavy on the skin. The finish it gives is an instant, satin-y finish without being too matte by allowing the luminosity from your foundation seep through.
基本上每天都用One Heck of a Blot了。很喜歡它的粉質很細 而且無色的 掃在臉上不覺得厚。它的finish也像絲一般 很滑而且不太matte, 透薄到能讓粉底的光澤感低調地透出來。還沒有用完已經回購了 嘿嘿。
Laura Mercier Secret Brightening Powder
Recommended by my friend Suzi, I love how this powder sets the undereyes into a velvety, smooth finish. To be honest, I don't see a brightening effect. I just really love how it feels! Plus it makes my concealer last longer than usual.
這個是我的朋友Suzi推薦的。我喜歡用它去為眼底部位定妝 讓那個位置超級柔滑!雖然我不覺得它有特別強的亮白功效 但我超喜歡塗上後的質感 而且能讓眼底的底妝更持久!

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