You guys know how much I love Zoeva's brushes, and I was super stoked when Zoeva sent me a couple of their makeup products to try! I've been meaning to get my hands on some but never got round to narrowing down my huge selection left in the shopping cart at Luxola.
So here goes my review and first impressions on all the Zoeva products I now own!
大概大家都得悉我有多喜歡Zoeva的化妝掃 所以當他們聯絡我問我要不要試Zoeva的化妝品 我馬上答應了!
今次我會分享我對Zoeva的產品的小小評價 希望幫到大家!
Cool-toned reds definitely suit my skin tone more, and this is no exception. Cooling Passion is a vibrant, vividly pigmented lipstick with a creamy finish. I love how it's not patchy and glides on my lips like a dream. I had the color on for 6 hours in total before I removed it and it was still as pigmented as it was when I first applied it. What I would say though is that it smears easily, albeit the long-lasting power, so it is a lipstick that one has to be careful with (especially when you're around your boyfriend/partner - mine would throw a fit if he found red lipstick on his favorite white t-shirt!)
冷色系的紅唇膏比較適合我的膚色 而這個不例外!Cooling Passion是一個好上色且柔滑的唇膏。很喜歡它塗抹在唇上很順滑!六個小時候 依然很顯色。雖然它很持久 但是我發現它都很容易弄髒 所以如果要跟男友或友人很親密的時候要小心點喔!
I've been wearing this blush pretty much every single day that I've been wearing makeup since I got it. It is a beautiful peachy pink which makes me look like I have naturally flushed cheeks. I love the simple packaging and the embossed product in the pan. It has a nice, sheer yet pigmented finish (it's difficult to explain) but complements my skin tone and feels silky smooth.
我幾乎每次化妝都選了這款胭脂。它是很美的淺橙粉色 效果很自然呢!喜歡它的包裝 很簡單 而且還在胭脂上印了 Color. Love. Makeup - 蠻特別的。它的質感很薄透 很滑 也很顯色 非常適合我的膚色 。
I love how this palette boasts 10 neutral and wearable shades - all of which I could use (unlike some palettes where there are 1 or 2 shades that I don't ever use). The eyeshadows are finely milled, very pigmented and gives off a beautiful finish. They also blend very nicely, and is a dream to apply.
One thing I have to say is I'm not to taken to the cardboard packaging, nor the lack of a mirror. I feel like Zoeva could improve the packaging with just an addition of a mirror to make it easy for those who are taking this on vacation (which I most likely would - it has all the shades I need for day or evening makeup). Other than that, beautiful eyeshadows with amazing quality!
很喜歡這個眼影盒裡面的顏色 裡面有十款大地派的顏色 - 全部我都用得到(有時候有一些眼影盒 有幾個顏色我是完全不碰的)。眼影粉質都非常細 很上色 而且效果不錯!發現它很容易推開 塗上眼皮上都很順滑的。唯獨它的包裝有待改善 - 不但沒有鏡子 包裝用的質料是紙板 感覺不太好。而且沒有鏡子 若要帶去旅行不太方便。
I love love LOVE this eyeliner and have been using this every single day (when I wear makeup) since I got it! My first impression was - it sets very quickly and does not budge! I then applied it to my eyes and immediately I fell in love. I love the felt tip pen applicator, which is a stiffer tip so it's easier to control. I honestly dislike liquid liners with a flimsy applicator, as it's quite difficult for me to create a clean, graphic wing. But with this one, it's a very black color with incredible lasting power. I have not seen this smudge nor budge, and am most likely to repurchase this once I'm done!
超級喜歡這個眼線筆 已變成我的日常眼線筆!第一個感覺就是 塗上手後 短短幾秒已經不脫色了。而且我立刻愛上了它的筆頭 很穩固 較易控制 想要畫出貓眼更輕易!顏色也很黑 而且從來沒有溶過 - 用光後我絕對會購買的。
Last but not least is the Rose Golden Luxury Set which I purchased myself.
102 Silk Finish Brush
I mentioned this in my October Favorites, and my love for it is still going strong. I reach for this over my ex - the Real Techniques Expert Face Brush, simply because I feel like this is softer, the bristles are just as dense yet I seem to blend my foundation quicker with this. I love how it feels on the skin and how it blends my foundation seamlessly and quickly.
我十月最愛裡面有提及過這支掃 到現在依然非常喜歡。我現在都會先選擇這一個去塗上粉底 (反而我的前度 Real Techniques Expert Face Brush都變了次選)。感覺上它的掃毛更柔軟 很稠密 重點是用這個推開粉底是超級快的 效果也不錯。
142 Concealer Buffer
I'm going to be honest - but I don't reach for this often. Simply because I find that using my ring finger to blend in my concealer gives me more coverage, whilst using this concealer brush, my concealer blends into a very light consistency thus losing coverage. For a light, thin layer and low coverage, I'd use this as it the bristles are very dense and soft. However I tend to suffer from very dark circles which require more concealing, and this is unable to give me the finish I want.
老實說 這個我少用。純碎因為我發現用無名指去印開遮瑕膏效果更強。使用這支遮瑕掃的話 發現會把遮瑕膏推得更薄 變相遮瑕度更少。如果我想化淡妝 我才會使用這個 它的掃毛也很柔軟很稠密 可是我本來黑眼圈很厲害 所以用這個的話 遮瑕度不夠。
227 Luxe Soft Definer and 231 Luxe Petit Crease
These are the only 2 eyeshadow brushes in the set, which makes me want to buy other eyeshadow brushes from Zoeva because these are such good quality! I love how they pick up eyeshadow pigments very well, yet softens the eyeshadow upon application so it doesn't leave harsh edges. The 227 is great for blending and applying the base color, whilst the 231 is great for adding depth and darkening the eyeshadow.
這個套裝裡面只有兩支眼影掃 也讓我很想去買其他Zoeva的眼影掃!質量很好 而且抓粉很不錯 輕易能推開眼影。227我用來推開眼影 也可以用來塗上底色 然後231我會用來增加層次感 及加深眼影。
110 Face Shape
I use this only when I'm applying my Tom Ford Shade & Illuminate cream contour as it is the perfect shape and size to go under the cheekbones for a sculpted look.
我平時只用它去塗上陰影膏 (特別是Tom Ford 的Shade & Illuminate) 因為它的粗度剛好可以塗抹在顴骨對下位置。
127 Luxe Sheer Cheek
This is the another brush I'm slightly disappointed with as I find that it doesn't pick up the pigments of my contour shades as well. It truly creates a Sheer finish to whatever product you are trying to apply - which can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on what you're after. I used to use this mainly for contouring as I love using an angled brush for that purpose, but it looks like I'll be applying my super pigmented blushes with this one for a sheerer, lighter effect.
這個我也有點失望 發現它抓粉沒有很好。塗上陰影粉後 發現顏色會變得透薄 如果你喜歡透薄的胭脂或陰影粉這個你該會喜歡的。因為它是斜角掃 塗陰影粉比較方便 但是我覺得用它去塗上一些太上色的胭脂會更好。
317 Wing Liner
Probably my least used brush from the Zoeva set - the Wing Liner has its advantages and disadvantages. The great thing about this is that it is ultra slim, so it can create the thinnest of eyeliners. However, since the bristles are quite soft I find it rather flimsy and difficult to maneuver.
應該是我最少用的玫瑰金掃 - 這個眼線掃有好與不好。好的就是它非常薄 可以劃出很幼的眼線。不好的就是我覺得掃毛太軟 畫的時候會晃來晃去 比較難控制。
108 Powder Brush
Probably one of my favorite brushes in the set - the Powder brush feels lovely on the skin. It can be used for mineral powder to buff all over the face or for some quick blotting of compact powders to set your face makeup.
這個應該是我其中最喜歡的掃 - 這個碎粉掃用在臉上感覺超好 超舒服的。可以用來塗礦物粉 也可以輕輕把定妝粉印在臉上。
So that rounds up my Brand Focus - first impressions and review of the Zoeva products.
Are there any products you own from Zoeva that you love, or any that you'd like to try? I'd love to know as I'm on the hunt for the next best Zoeva product. Must say I am extremely pleased with the quality especially for its price.
Here's a look that I did using all the products I mentioned in this blog post, plus a Cantonese video where I talked about the Zoeva products and demonstrated using all of them. Hope you liked this type of blog post and let me know what other brand you'd like me to review!
這個就是我對Zoeva產品的小小評價了!你們有沒有用過Zoeva的產品呢 或者有沒有一些你是打算試的呢?我想再購買其他產品卻不知道到底買什麼好!但是我真的非常滿意它的質量 而且價錢真的很實惠。
以下就是我用Zoeva的產品化出來的妝容 加上有一段廣東話的影片介紹及示範如何使用它的產品。希望大家喜歡這種類型的分享 記得留言告訴我下次想我評論哪個品牌喔!
You can purchase Zoeva from Luxola or the official Zoeva website.
*This post is not sponsored. The lovely team at Zoeva sent me products to try which are marked with an (*) above. Everything else I purchased myself.
All opinions are honest and my own.

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